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Cleveland Union Terminal's
Custom Art Deco
Colorlight Signals

Four Indication Dwarf: Front
Photographer/Date Unknown
Cleveland Union Terminal was a part of a large complex in downtown Cleveland that involved demolition of more than 1,000 buildings. Excavation started in 1924 and was the largest construction project at that time. The first train entered the terminal on October 23rd 1929 marking the official opening of the terminal.

The terminal had 12 station tracks and platforms and had a 10 track coach yard. With a terminal with so much rail traffic a signal system was needed to move trains efficiently. A two story brick/concrete tower was built; the basement housed the crew lockers and the transformers and batteries. The first floor housed the relay room and the telegraph and telephone rooms. The second floor housed the interlocking machine and the maintainer’s room. The tower was 144 feet long by 17 feet, and had a General Railway Signal Company Interlocking machine that had 576 Levers. The interlocking machine was custom in that it was broken into 6 sections, this being that if one section broke and needed repair they could take that section of the interlocking machine out of service and continue using the other sections. The model board was also broken into 3 sections for better viewing. The total length of the interlocking machine was 95 feet.

The tower controlled 124 switches, double-slip switches, movable-point frogs, derails and 193 signals. Of the 193 signals 40 were high mast signals and the other 153 signals were custom made 4 indication dwarf signals. The dwarf signals were custom made to represent the Terminal Tower. The signals also housed the transformers and control relay inside. They were made by General Railway Signal Company in the late 1920’s. The signals were set so that the lower lens is 10” above the rail with the top marker being 16” above the rail.

Four Indication Dwarf: Rear, showing interior
Photographer/Date Unknown

Penn Central train leaves the terminal around the 1970's
Photographer/Date Unknown
The signals set on springs to help fight vibration and they had custom made lead nuts that held the signal down. The lead nuts were so that if the signal was struck that the lead nuts would give way and attempt to prevent damage to the signal. The signal was of SA type and ran off 110VAC and the top lamp was a 10V 18Watt signal precision bulb. Originally the signals came with the GRS type H relays and later all the GRS H relays were replaced with the more common GRS type W relays.

As passenger service declined the terminal started getting less and less traffic. By the 1970’s most traffic from the terminal was rapid transit, in 1977 the passenger service was ended and the yard and terminal tracks closed, though rapid transit still used a section of the terminal. The tracks going into the terminal were removed and weeds grew where the tracks once were. In the late 1970’s the terminal and terminal tower were owned by Forest City Enterprises. They renovated the tower and closed and built over the terminal, also removing all the signals. Most signals that were removed were marked with a historical property tag. Signals ended up being sold to the public and ended up in several collections. Illinois Railway Museum has one that is completely original. Forest City Enterprises is still the owner of the tower today; if you call them about the Historical Property tags and reference the tag number they might send you a photo copy of a book that has photos and an article of the signals and about the terminal.

Today the signals are known for their Art Deco look and that they are one of the few signals ever modeled after the terminal or location in which they were used.

Looking from the platforms towards the east approaches.
"The Terminal Tower Complex 1930*1980 By Jim Toman & Dan Cook, Page 34"

1930 Aspects:
Red- Stop
Red Over Yellow- Proceed at low speed prepared to stop- Track Occupied
Yellow- Proceed at low speed prepared to stop- Track Unoccupied
Green- Proceed at low speed- Track Unoccupied, Next signal clear

Original GRS Prints of the Signals

Dwarf Signal Comp: 53800
4-Aspect Color Light Dwarf Signal
For Cleveland Union Terminal
4 Pages

Board Comp: 45825-5
Terminal Board Complete
Used on Dwarf Signal Comp: 53800
For Cleveland Union Terminal
2 Pages

Wiring Diagram: 43989-150
For 4-Aspect Color Light Dwarf Signal
For Cleveland Union Terminal
1 Page

Door: 53069-1
For Door Comp: 53057-1
Used on Dwarf Signal Comp: 53800
For Cleveland Union Terminal
1 Page

Case: 53071-1
Used on Dwarf Signal Comp: 53800
For Cleveland Union Terminal
1 Page

Drawing C-3452-1I
Track and Location Plan
For Initial Layout
Cleveland Station